This branch is concerned with all industrial applications of laser beams with its interest in designing and building laser systems. It includes a group of specialized laboratories with a mechanical and electronic workshop concerned with manufacturing and maintenance matters.
Branch vision:
The branch seeks to prepare highly qualified specialized cadres in the majors of electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, physics sciences, chemistry sciences.
PhD in Physics, Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
The mission and objectives of the branch are:
-Distinguishing education based on scientific foundations and keeping up with the developments of specialization.
-Serving our students by building an integrated personality by teaching them the skills and methods of scientific and applied research at the global level, and a commitment to scientific competence and ethical behavior.
– Instilling the spirit of acquiring knowledge for students to serve the needs of Iraqi society and reach the world.
-Raising the efficiency and effectiveness of our educational operations (students and teachers) and moving towards creative teamwork that advances the country through highly qualified graduates, in addition to our services to the community of outstanding quality.
-Contributing to the prosperity of society by providing it with research projects by providing research and advisory services that help solve problems and develop society.
The branch includes four research groups
1- Quantum Optics and Electronic Group:
This group is concerned with the applications of quantum optics and optical communications, and it contains a single-photon quantum cryptography system. For this group, there are two electronics laboratories.
2- Laser Spectra Group:
This group is concerned with spectral studies in the research and applied fields, as well as studies related to linear and nonlinear optical measurements. The group’s laboratories contain a group of spectral measurement devices in addition to the nonlinear measurements system.
3- Manufacturing and Laser Technology Group:
This group is concerned with industrial applications of lasers such as welding, cutting, perforation and all industrial laser applications in addition to designing and assembling laser systems. It includes a CNC machine laboratory and a system
4- Photonic crystal fiber group:
The group is interested in studying the physical properties of this type of fiber and the possibility of passing several types of lasers through it with high capacities. The group is also interested in changing the composition of this fiber by injecting different liquids into it, and this group includes the photonic crystal fibers laboratory
The official email of the Engineering and Industrial Applications Branch
[email protected]