Career opportunities for graduates of the Laser Institute

Career opportunities for graduates of the laser institute and holders of a certificate in applications in laser, whether it is a master’s degree, doctorate or higher diploma

Opportunities are divided into two parts

The first is in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and it is the teaching staff specialized in laser applications in all study programs (Masters and Ph.D.), where there is an urgent need for laser specializations in public and private universities.

The second in other ministries and will be as follows

  1. Engineering majors

These are divided into electronics and communications, and there is an urgent need for specializations for optical communications in all ministries with jurisdiction, and there is a specialty of mechanics, and this actually has a necessary need in all car factories and other departments of the Ministry of Industry

  1. Medical specialties

The specialty of dentistry is required at the level of the Ministry of Health, and in all hospitals, there is an urgent need. As for other medical specialties, there is a higher diploma program that covers all cosmetic and dermatological specialties and other specialties related to the use of laser

  1. Scientific disciplines

These include (physics, chemistry and life sciences) and these are needed in the departments of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Oil.