Under the respected, the auspices of the Dean of the Institute of laser for Postgraduate Studies, Professor Dr. Hussein Ali Jawad,  The Medical and Biological Applications Branch, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit, held an awareness lecture at the Institute of laser for Postgraduate Studies on Wednesday, 10/26/2022. Lecture entitled ((Hemorrhagic fever causes and prevention))

The aim of the lecture was to educate the community about hemorrhagic fever, its causes and how to prevent it. The session was moderated by Asst. Prof. Dr. Laily Mohammed Hassan, Head of the Medical and Biological Applications Branch.

It included two lectures:

The first lecture was delivered by the Associate Dean of the Institute of laser for Postgraduate Studies, Dr. Jawad Abdel-Kadhim Hassan

It has summarized how the disease spreads and how to prevent it, and the prospects for treatment in Iraq. As well as its symptoms, methods of diagnosis, and the tests required for that …

As for the second lecture, it was delivered by the instructor, Muhammad Ghaleb Razzouqi – Master of Dentistry

The lecture has dealt with an introductory aspect about hemorrhagic fever and its epidemiology in Iraq, with the number of confirmed and suspected infections and the number of deaths from January 1, 2022 to May 22, 2022. It has also dealt with several topics, including types of hemorrhagic fever, the viruses that cause it, the countries in which it spread, the date of appearance of hemorrhagic fever, and how it spreads among animals, such as goats, sheep, and insects, then to humans, the incubation period of the virus in humans and animals, and the death rate of this disease. Then, the lecture has dealt with the symptoms of hemorrhagic fever in humans and animals, and how to diagnose the disease from symptoms or from laboratory tests.

Finally, the lecture has concluded with the last axis, which is how to treat hemorrhagic fever, methods of prevention to avoid this disease, and to see if there is an effective vaccine and treatment for it.





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